The Chosen Season 2-

Everyday is a gift from God.  

Growing up we always went to church so youth groups and church were a big part of our daily life.  We said grace and prayer over family and friends.  When we were choosing preschools for our kids it was important to me that they went to a church school.  

Last year, Millie went to a very cute little school and had chapel two times a week.  One thing I loved was the one day parents were invited to come to chapel too.  It was such a special time to spend with my daughter at her school with her friends and their parents, hearing bible stories they were learning that week and the songs they were singing.  It was the best. 

Having my children exposed to Jesus and The Lord is important to me.  Being able to share that with her is a great experience. Even though she is very young, I hope she retains some of those memories.  As my kids get older and we have to decide where to send them to elementary school,sending them to a religious school is a priority.

How To Bring More Jesus Into Your Home

Today there are literally so many shows to watch and choose from.  You can watch anything, anytime, anywhere.  I mean binging shows is what we all do now, right?! 

Are there times where you wonder why you are watching what you are watching?  Or are you wanting to watch something worthwhile and that will move you?  

The Chosen is that show.  It is an amazing show about the life of our savior Jesus Christ.  The Chosen tells the story of Jesus and his disciples- in an incredible way.  

The show is moving, gripping, and life-changing.  I am watching this show to learn even more, see the story in a different way, and watch a show worth my time and energy.  

According to The Chosen:

‘The Chosen is the first multi-season television series about the life of Christ, as witnessed through the eyes of those He impacted. Directed by Dallas Jenkins (The Resurrection of Gavin Stone) and distributed by Angel Studios, The Chosen has grown to become the largest crowdfunded TV series of all time.’

The first episode is captivating.  It gets your attention from the start.  The show is done so well including the costumes, cinematography, characters, acting, and storyline.  

Who Should Watch The Chosen?

I really think anyone would enjoy this show, not just Christians.  The stories they tell draw you in and there is action and suspense too. 

The life and times 2,000 years ago were hard, dirty, rough, and unjust for most people.  This show shows you all of that and more.  It depicts what really happened and how life really was for Jesus and his disciples.  

The first season tells about the early life of Jesus Christ.  It tells his early stories as a wanderer,meeting his disciples, and performing miracles.  It all tells  the story of Mary Magdalene.  The episodes depict  different people in the bible and how their lives merge into what we all know from the Bible.  

It is not just a show for people who go to church, it is a show for everyone.  Season One has 8 episodes ready for you to binge-watch now. Each episode is around an hour and worth every minute.   AND it is easy to watch!  

How To Watch The Chosen

I watched it on my computer on the Angel Studios website.  But you can watch it on your phone or tablet by downloading The Chosen App.  It is super simple, you just go to the App store on your particular device, download it, then start watching.  You can take it anywhere, how cool is that?! You don’t have to subscribe to anything to be able to watch the show on the app.

The show is completely free to watch!

Another amazing fact about this show is it is completely funded by the viewers – yes, the viewers. People love this show and believe in its message so much that they want to see more and more.  

The Chosen plans to cover the life of Jesus Christ over  seven seasons.  Right now, they are releasing Season TWO!  It is very exciting. The first episode aired on Easter Sunday, and they have recently released the second and third episodes.  They are coming out as quickly as possible, and you are able to watch it immediately on The Chose App or online.  There will be eight episodes in Season Two, as there were in Season One. 

Overall, The Chosen is a great show to watch.  Season One is available now and Season Two is being released one episode at a time over the next weeks, episode by episode.  All you have to do is download The Chosen app on any or all of your devices to watch.  It is simple and worth it.  

I hope you will watch and enjoy as much as I am.