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25 Days of Christmas

I know, I know…I’m a week late. Things have been insane at our house the past week, so this got way delayed. I still wanted to share fun ideas for the Christmas holiday. These are fun, easy, and can bring so much joy to your family.

When you were a kid you loved getting presents from Santa, but over all the years do you really remember what you got each Christmas- besides those insane gifts- Barbie Doll house for me. I don’t remember what I got most years, but I do remember baking in the kitchen, going to a fancy dinner each Christmas, seeing a holiday play each year with my best friend and our moms, I remember the experiences…not the gifts.

I try my hardest to do this with Millie. I want to give her memories and experiences- not all the material things. As we grow up we see that it’s what we remember and that is what brings a smile to my face. I am sure I got amazing gifts I was so excited about, but year and years and years later I do not remember what the gifts were.

Here is a fun list of things to do this season. I call it the 25 Days of Christmas list. Some are so simple, some take more effort or some money, but overall it is about making memories and having fun with your family at this chaotic time of year. Let me know what you decided to do off the list!!

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